Thursday 28 February 2008

ASF Grants Synapse Separate, Top-Level Project Billing

Even if the announcement that Apache Software Foundation (ASF) granted Synapse separate, top-level project billing last week didn't generate major waves of uproar of reaction and commentary, it remains a significant move to the overall state of a burgeoning open source SOA arena. Initially, after first catching wind of Synapse in early spring of last year, I was thrown off slightly by some of the divergent descriptions/understandings of the effort that were floating around the web and as is the case with incubated open source projects it was a rapidly changing code base looking to grow in a more concisely defined direction over time. Since this is normally the case with early stage open source efforts especially those that set out to tackle broad scale areas of competency like SOA...

...provided three main functions: managing virtualized connections, service management and message transformation. Previously, it was useful for exchanges made through SOAP-based Web services where management of the exchanges were available through the WS-* protocols. Now support has been extended to numerous open standards such as HTTP, SOAP, FTP, SMTP, XML, XSLT, XPath, JMS, Web Services Security (WSS), Web Services Reliable Messaging (WS-RM), and more.

. . . full article

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